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Juneau Approves On-Site Marijuana Consumption

Cannabis Legalization

A new ordinance will soon take place in Juneau to allow on-site consumption of marijuana. Edibles will be able to be consumed inside dispensaries that have appropriate licensing. Smokable forms of marijuana will only be allowed in a designated area outside.

The vote passed overwhelmingly at a 6-2 count, Alaska Public Media reported. Mary Becker and Beth Weldon both voted against the ordinance. Weldon just disagrees with outdoor smoking of marijuana and views it as “smoking in public.”

Weldon said, “I don’t care if you’re inside or outside eating the edibles. What I do have a problem with is the smoke.”

Juneau has an indoor smoking ban. Marijuana smoke was added to that ban in 2015. Vaping was added to the list last year.

John Nemeth of Top Hat Concentrates (THC Alaska), urged the Assembly to keep indoor smoking a possibility for the future. He’s pleased with the results of the vote.

Nemeth said, “This is a great step in the right direction. It’s something we never thought we’d see here in Juneau and it’s giving people a safe place to consume.”

The ordinance will be effective 30 days from the date of the vote. Interested businesses must obtain proper endorsements from the Alaska Marijuana Control Board before consumers are permitted to use marijuana products on-site.